Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Hip Hip Hooray! Here's to 2008! May she rest in peace.

I've had so much fun this year getting to know so many new friends and keeping in touch with family members that I love but seldom see. Who'da thunk that telling the world all about private matters could become so addicting.

I love the way I've been able to connect with people from different countries without ever leaving my easy chair. My bucket list of the places I would love to visit just keeps getting longer.

Before the final hours of 2008 tick away, I want to take a minute and in front of the whole world of bloggers, say Thank You to God for a beautiul year.

Thank you Lord for the highs and lows that 2008 brought my way, for the feeling of being pushed beyond my comfort zone, and for the disappointment of lost love, etc. For it all I am grateful. Your goodness and kindness never cease to amaze me, and the way you make good out of bad is truly astounding.

Thank you for the gift of Family that are such an important part of my life. For my precious grands who add such joy to my world with their love and laughter. May 2009 find them loving you and realizing how much better life is with you than without.

Thank you also, for the gift of the people who have made me a part of their life. I am blessed by the way their helping hands have reached out to me. I am blessed for the times you have allowed me to help others in their own need. Bless all who have touched my heart this year with their laughter, tears, and friendship.

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to grow my faith and love you deeper and more complete than ever before.

I pray that 2009 will be a year of greater serving, greater love, and greater sacrifice.

Thank you for loving me and drawing near. I love you!

And now dear bloggy friends I bid you adieu until 2009. Have a safe NYE and a wonderful and blessed New Year.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night.



Linds said...

Happy New Year, Luanne! Your prayer is one I could have prayed myself and probably will do too. Beautiful! I do hope 2009 brings more love, joy and adventures for you too!

Debby said...


I hate to go and leave this pretty you've got me singing!