Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day Number 2 & Tootin My Grandsons Horn

How did day number two go you ask? Well as the song says Two outta Three ain't bad.....not bad unless the 2 represents what you didn't do instead of what you did.

Such was the case for yesterday. Actually it was 3 outta 4 things I didn't do.

  1. 30-40 minute walk - No - I only walked 10 minutes up to the front of the complex

  2. 8 hours of sleep- No - needed to get laundry finished and had to arise this a.m. at 4:30 to drive grandson up to catch the bus for his class field trip, so I only managed 5 hours.

  3. Turmeric- No-couldn't bear the thought of wrecking my food with it

  4. Staying within my points - YES. Hooray

As for the other 3 today is a new day so I pick myself up and dust myself off and begin again.

And speaking of 2 outta 3...Last night was the end of the year band concert for my grandsons. 2 out of the 3 had chairs that did not lend well to picture taking from my place in the totally packed gym bleachers. This is the best I could do.

YT managed to be in just the right place for his grandmother to capture his musical skills.

The concerts over and I have a few days to get my act together before I have another grandson happening.

Time for lunch and then I'm off on my walk. Think I'll head to the drug store to see if I can buy turmeric in a capsule.

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