Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On the Road Ramblings

This is the conversation I had with oldest grandson while driving him to the football game. Its so much easier to have meaningful conversations when they are captive in a moving vehicle.

Me: How was school today?

OGS: Good. We had a quiz in language arts. And in social studies, Mr. R said he was glad I come to school every day.

Me: Why did he say that?

OGS: Because I was the only one answering the questions. Actually he said "Duke I'm so glad you come to school and pay attention and understand the material, but let's see if some of these other yokels can raise their hand and answer something!

Me: Hmmm (silently wondering if that was a compliment or a put down for raising his hand too much).

OGS: Tomorrow we are going to start studying Egypt. It sounds like it will be a little bit interesting.

Me: Pay attention so maybe you can come home and teach me everything I didn't learn cuz I was too busy talking.

OGS: Grandma, what color do you think Jesus was?

Me: I guess brown. Why?

OGS: That's what Mr. R says too. He says that people in that region have that kind of skin. Not dark and not white but more brown.

Me: Hmmm Really? (I was thinking to myself- talking about Jesus in a public school-Oh my)

OGS: Yeah. He said one year when he asked that question to his class, one kid stood up and argued with him that Jesus was white. They argued back and forth and finally the kid said "Okay I believe you, but the next day he came back to school with a picture and said "My mom says you're wrong. Jesus is so white.Here look."

Me: Well Duke, I guess technically they may both be right. I don't know that we have any snapshots of Jesus to prove who is right. Its not just that he was a Jew and thats what Jews in that region looked like , but he also had Gods qualities in him, and we all envision God in our own way. Perhaps when people looked at him they saw different things.
But the important thing to think about isn't what he looked like but how he lived his life and how he changed and still is changing so many lives.

OGS: (looking a little board with my analogy) Okay Grandma, but I think Mr. R is right. I think Jesus was brown.


It really made me stop to wonder whether or not I want the public schools talking about God. What if they have a view of God that is different from my own. Impressionable minds are sometimes easier swayed by people other than their parents. Makes me question whether or not we have grounded them enough in the Truth to withstand the battering their little minds may go up against.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us to "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." I'm just wondering how much training it takes?

1 comment:

a-zmimi said...

A wee bit scarey to say the least.
