Today I'm posting the continuation of a post I began yesterday over at my other
blog . You might want to go back and read it first.
This post is about responding in obedience when we hear God call us to a task.
I'd been in Michigan for the kick off of a newly formed group for widowed women, and while back home God had asked me to do something that I failed to do.
I was on my way back to Florida trying hard to stay in step with God this time. My year in Florida was quickly coming to a close. I just wasn't sure if God wanted me to remain in Florida or return home.......
The trip back homefor the kick off of First Tea @ Five had been filled with wonderful blessings. Unfortunately it was also filled with the tumultuous uncertainty of where I wanted to be when my year with God was over, or rather where HE wanted me to be!.
The first leg of the flight back to Naples left right on time. Thank goodness, because my head and neck were really aching. I found my seat and stored my bag and just as I’d settled in, a tall man stopped in front of me. He smiled. “That’s my seat” he said pointing toward the window.
“Oh, Sorry” I said giving him a half smile half grimace look.
"I hope he doesn’t try to strike up a conversation”, I complained to myself.
Just to make sure, I picked up my book and stuck my nose in it for the entire flight. I didn’t set it down until the plane had nearly touched down.
As we began taxiing toward the terminal the Holy Spirit got my attention. “You’re not being very friendly,” he said convicting me. “Speak to him.” I pursed my lips together as my mind argued, “I don’t have anything to say to him”
“Try” the pesky little voice said authoritatively.
I supposed He was right. Hadn’t I just heard on Sunday that we were sent thru the doors of the church to go preach the gospel to all? I was pretty sure this included me, and I knew it was hard to do if I didn’t open my mouth or acted unfriendly.
Suddenly I realized I’d had my bible study book in hand the whole way and at the same time displaying body language that screamed “
don’t even think about talking to me!” I decided I’d better act quickly so as not to leave him with a bad impression if he had noticed my book.
So I began by asking him if Atlanta was his final destination and we chatted for just a few minutes, not a meaningful conversation but hopefully enough that helped redeem any non Christian attitude I may have represented earlier.
I had a short layover and soon I boarded the plane for the final leg of the trip. My head still hurt. My aisle seat was near the front of the plane and my row was one of the last to be called. I wondered if there would be any space available overhead when I finally got to my seat.
I was in luck; not only was there enough room for both my coat and bag, but the Seat A passenger next to me was already seated and I wouldn’t have to get up again to let him in.
I sat down and spent the next few minutes getting situated, putting my seatbelt on, taking out my book and glasses, and stuffing my oversized purse under the seat in front of me. Sitting back, I took a deep breath and watched the remaining passenger’s board. I had to remember to act friendlier to my seat mate this time.
I didn’t want another reprimand from the Holy Spirit. So I commented to Seat A how impressed I was that for the second time that day the flight was on time. Without looking up he nodded in agreement and went back to reading his book.
“Okay Lord, is this supposed to be a pay back?” I asked silently.
My words to the man had no sooner left my mouth than the pilot came on the radio to announce that there was a line up waiting to take off and we would most likely have about half an hour wait.
“I should have kept my big mouth shut” I muttered under my breath yet loud enough for Seat A to hear.
Seat A chuckled quietly.
Finally our plane began moving and as it did Seat A closed his book and looked out the window. I glanced over at the book on his lap and tried to read the title. I couldn't, and a few minutes later I looked again. I was amused at myself and wondered why I cared what he was reading but I kept glancing over hoping he would move his hand so I could read the title.
It seemed like every time I glanced out the window my eyes would stray to that book, searching for some clue and then during one of my glances I noticed his book was open and I looked down and read the word “believer”. The game continued for almost 15 minutes until finally the curiosity got the better of me and I sighed and said, “Would you mind if I asked you what you are reading?
He turned the book over and showed me the cover and told me it was a bible study of Ephesians . All at once he sat a little taller in his seat and leaned forward and then he asked if I knew about the bible.
The way his body moved I could tell he was thinking “Oh Boy. Here’s my chance to witness!”
When I told him yes I knew about the bible, he sat back in his seat and almost as an after thought he leaned forward again and asked me how familiar I was with Ephesians.
“More familiar than I was a year ago,” I told him, But not as much as I’d like to be.”
From there an insightful conversation ensued.
I told him all about coming to Florida to discover my purpose and how I was returning from seeing one of those purposes to fruition. I told him how I was having trouble knowing where God wanted me to be. How I felt I needed to be home near my aging father who was in ill health, and also how I was feeling led to be around acting as a spiritual role model for my kids and grandkids.
Next, I told him how I had been searching for Gods answer to my predicament and had opened the bible and read in the notes a question that said “if I only had 6 months to live where would it be,”
I blurted out how God had given me this absolutely wonderful, fall in the lap job, and couldn't understand why he would have done that if he did want me to stay and work. If I move back home I may not even have a job!
He opened his bible to Romans 12:1-2 "
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. "
“I think that scripture will help you decide”, he told me.
He continued “Luanne ask yourself this question; “when I die. for which will God be most pleased? That I had a wonderful job and I worked it well and supported myself, or that Ibecame a living example of Christ to my grandchildren? I answered his question saying the latter. He smiled and nodded affirming my answer. Then he continued questioning me.
“Suppose God asked you to come home right now, would you go?” "Hmmm", I paused a moment before answering, "I guess I would but I certainly hope He won’t ask me to do that.”
It was funny because I had just recently heard my bible study teacher YF mention something along that line. She told us that when we hear God’s voice we need to respond. We may not sin by not following his calling ,but we may miss out on a big blessing.
He continued talking and this time gave me some insight on RJ saying that if he was in God’s will for my life right now all the pieces would be falling into place. He said “I’m not saying that won’t happen but it doesn’t sound like it is God’s will right now.” Then he reminded me about Satan and what a masterful deceiver he is. “Make sure you know who’s talking to you.”
Next we talked about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and he encouraged me to take the test that would help hone in on my own spiritual gift. He mentioned that he wouldn’t be surprised after listening to me talk if my gift wasn’t that of an “encourager”, I smiled and told him about how I had already been shown something along those lines'
I found out he attended one of the churches in the vicinity, and he was teaching a bible study on... yep you got it, Ephesians!
I discovered he was a medical doctor with a private practice, but previously he had been a trauma physician until the hospital officials asked him to stop witnessing to the dying patients.
The whole way there we talked and he taught me things I'd never heard before, and when we touched down and were taxiing to the gate, he took hold of my hand and said “I’d like to pray for you if you wouldn’t mind” and he began to pray the most beautiful prayer that touched me to the core of my being. Oh my goodness, I felt blessed.
I didn’t realize until after he had walked away that I had never asked him his name.
How silly I was. I would have loved to have sent a note to let him know what a blessing he had been to me that day.
The whole experience seemed so surreal that I could just imagine the conversation now. Walking to the airline counter I’d smile and say. “Excuse me, but could you please give me the name of the passenger who was seated next to me on the plane today, Seat 11A?"
“I’m sorry ma'am, you must be mistaken, the seat next to you was vacant!”
No, it wasn’t the luck of the draw as to who would occupy the seat next to me that day, it was divine intervention, and as I drove home all the pieces seemed to fall into place, just why I had been convicted of my unfriendliness on the first flight, and why I had strained so hard to read a book title. In his infinite wisdom God needed to make sure I wasn’t going to miss out on another one of his very special blessings.