Monday, June 23, 2008

Drawl Envy

Last week a friend and I sat discussing the new guidelines for high school graduation in Michigan. When I heard that one of the new requirements will be 2 years of a world language (a.k.a. foreign language) I started sweating.

I barely made it through one semester of Spanish. I signed up for the class thinking I was going to learn how to actually say words, not conjugate verbs!

So I dropped out and took a speech class. To be honest, I did learn one phrase after hearing the teacher repeat it to me over and over.

"Luanna usted boca es grande."

(Translation...Luanne you have a big mouth!)

I kind of wish I would have stayed in that class; especially after taking part in my Speaker Evaluation Group at She Speaks Conference last weekend in NC.
Judith, one of the women in my group gave her speeches in both English and in Spanish. Was I impressed!

So impressed that I'm thinking of going back to college and taking a world language.
Yep, as soon as someone teaches a class in "Southern Drawl" I'll be the first in line.

I'm not kidding y'all. Things just come out sounding cuter and more friendly in Southern.

And I'm not alone in my thinking. At the "Blogging Q&A session, one woman said that the blogs from the South are funnier than those in the North. Another woman stood and agreed. She said that Northerner's humor comes off as sarcasm not humor. That got a big laugh.

I was really cracking up too, because I had just come from my room where I had been practicing my speech. I had heard so much southern drawl the last few days that half way through I realized I'd been practicing it using a southern accent. It is quite contagious ya know. Take this video for example.

The conference was phenomenal. This year was my second time at She Speaks, and I am really hoping to be able to do a 3rd and 4th etc.
Lysa TerKeurst and the rest of the Proverbs 31 Ministries Team did an excellent job of providing top notch programs that filled our minds with new ideas and techniques, and left our hearts overflowing with a greater love for God and also for our new Sisters in Christ. Let me show you some awesome women.

In the thirty fifth chapter of his book "The Purpose Driven Life", Rick Warren talks about Ministry. He says that “Ministry begins with vulnerability. The more you let down your guard, take off your mask, and share your struggles, the more God will be able to use you in serving others.”
Friday evening, eleven anxious women gathered together in our leader Van Waltons hotel suite and showed just how vulnerable we are by sharing Our Story/Testimony. We had 3 minutes to try and convey all of the wondrous mercies that God has so lavishly poured out to us. The presence of God's Holy Spirit was so evident in the room that night.

We walked into the room as total strangers but we walked out transformed and holding a piece of each women's heart to treasure deep in our own.
Thank you God and Proverbs 31 Ministries for such an educational, Spirit filled weekend.
Ya All invite me back next year, ya hear!


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Mindy said...

Yay Luanne! I loved this post. I feel the same. You ladies are in my heart and prayers forever.

Amy L Brooke said...

Thanks for stopping by. It sounds like this was a good conference for you. I look forward to getting to know you better!

Jenny said...

It was a great conference! I had such a great time meeting so many wonderful and sweet woman!

I laughed at your post, I think one reason we "seem" sweeter is we are taught from birth, "you draw more flies with honey!"

In fact just last night I told one of my girls that when she was going to demand her dad let her go as she is almost 16!

Thanks for dropping by my blog.
